About Me

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


(I had to make a minor edit hahah.)

Hey guys,

I have recently talked about the steps I am taking to overhaul my blog.  And maybe even my own life.  As some of you out there know, I have a lot of  problems that I deal with constantly.  I am on medication and I have been going to my weekly therapy sessions.  My problems are a constant demon I have to struggle with.  However, I have been getting better at micro managing my situation as a whole.  I have been writing and drawing a lot of late.  I will be posting my current projects shortly.  But I do have some things I need to get off my chest.


I strongly feel that I have been making a lot of progress of late.  I recently found out that the amount I get for S.S.I. will be increased considerably starting in January.  That is very good news, and I have been fighting with the SNAP people to get my benefits card.  I still don't got that thing in my possession yet.  Once I do things will be a BIT better for me.  I will have more finances to manage and better options for a lot more things to make my life feel more fulfilled.  I am a struggling artist as many of you know.  I try really hard to maintain a positive attitude about everything, and also, I try to get my work done as often as possible.  None of this "when inspiration hits me crap."  As an artist, I have learned that you make YOUR OWN inspiration possible.  This may sound harsh to some of you, but let's be real.  If you're on a deadline you CANNOT wait for inspiration.  You have to FORCE that shit out of you.  You have to keep yourself to a very healthy work ethics if you want to succeed in life.  Many of you guys will not agree with me but all I can do is offer advice to any who will listen.  Even if my words fall on deaf ears.

I will keep on talking, and keep walking the walk so that MAYBE my words can help somebody else out there.  Somebody whose also feeling desperate and confused, and out of options.  Things will get better for you, I PROMISE YOU that.  I have been at the bottom most rung of things for a long ass time now.  For as long as I can remember I have dealt with my shitty problems, but now I have come to a conclusion.  I can only ONLY get better if I MAKE myself get better.  If I really try to change my situation around me, the people around me...and ultimately THE WORLD AROUND ME.  I always hear people talking about how they can't effect change in the world.  To this I say: YOU ARE WRONG.  Even the smallest stone can create a ripple effect when thrown in the water.  All of us together can change things.  Even now.  There are those out in the world who would destroy our way of life out of ignorance, prejudice and fear.  To these cowards I challenge you all.  Shun the darkness in your hearts and look to the light.

If you look at many of the troubles in the world: Isis, Al Qaeda, and the many spin off organizations, what do they have in common? They hate everybody who is different from their closed minded world views.  I hate that Muslims are blamed because of lunatics that are in Al Qaeda and Isis.  I will be one of the bold and the brave and LOUDLY say this: ISLAM is a religion of love and peace.  True Islam does not teach hate.  What little I know of Islam has drastically changed my world view and my religious outlook.  And of life itself.  Now I'm by no means a Muslim.  However, I sympathize with the average Muslim man on the streets who just trying to protect and feed his family.  Isis and Al Qaeda are a bunch of cowards.  Instead of offering a peaceful resolution to the troubles of the world, they take up arms against an IDEAL, no A WAY OF LIFE.  I have taken a lot of things in my life for granted despite the fact I am someone who has a lot of psychological issues.  But I understand, my life could end (As well as ALL of our lives) at any point it is up to GOD not Isis and Al Qaeda to decide.  Isis and Al Qaeda have one thing in common: they function by instilling fear in those that cannot defend themselves.  

If more of us embraced our fellow man and woman, and those in between, then Al Qaeda and Isis would not have a foothold.  This is likely going to offend a lot of people.  GOOD I say.  If I have offended someone, I have done my job.  I want folks to know that I AM NOT AFRAID.  I am a proud Hispanic American, and I am a Republican at that.  I have my values, I have my morales and I ma not afraid of a bunch of gun totting maniacs.  I hope that whoever is reading my blog, gets equally angry at the situation at hand.  Together, we can all embrace one another, and embrace the ideals that America and the rest of the world STAND FOR.  Equality, understanding, imagination, and FREEDOM.  Al Qaeda and Isis is NOT the answer.  Freedom is the answer.  The moment we give in to fear, is the moment that they win.  We cannot allow that to happen.  I am simply a fellow with a lot of problems of my own, but I am writing this because I am angry.  I am angry that our leaders have let us down, that they have not adequately defended our way of life.  Freedom is too precious, FAR too precious a thing to loose over a bunch of assholes like Al Qaeda and Isis.  I have rarely voice my own political views but I think it is time.  It is DAMNED time for all of us to band together and be ready for when Isis and Al Qaeda are BALSY enough to attempt to physically hurt us in America.  I think they are too coward for that though so they target people they think they can hurt because they currently don't have adequate defenders.  And too out leaders I say: defend the voiceless.  Take the fight to Isis and the remaining Al Qaeda forces.  Be the America that we were always meant to become.  A Nation that defends the innocent, and protects the values of Freedom and diversity.  Don't let Isis win.  We have to hold them and their off shoot factions KNOW that we will not tolerate religious persecution in our ages EVER.  

In closing let me say this: If we embrace one another and stop trying to destroy/conquer one another factions like Al Qaeda and Isis will never have power over us ever again.  This is just my own opinion on the matter.  For all of you who will take the time to read this, thank you and God bless all of us.  Not just America.  But ALL of us.  Especially those of us who are suffering in silence.  You have not been forgotten.  

As always, 
Stay classy,

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