About Me

Friday, October 24, 2014


Hey everyone!

It has been sometime since I wrote last.

Things in my life have been up and down of late, but now I have some interesting news to share with you all.  Me and my mom were living with a certain nice fellow for about a year and a half until he recently moved away to his own apartment.  We were both saddened by the fact that he left but he left on very good terms with us.  I still speak with him regularly and consider him a friend.  In short time we have ourselves our new roommate and he is also a brilliant fellow.  He's a savvy business guy and has considerable amounts of knowledge of the business side of several industries.  (I won't get into too many specific as I don't want to reveal who he is.  After all, I am entitled to my secrets you know.)

Tonight we had a nice and productive talk.

It's his birthday today, but we discussed ways that I could better my life.

In short, as many of you guys know, I am an artist.  I also write, I have a few ideas that I will start showcasing to start bettering my life.  I've been dealing with a few problems my whole life that will likely not go away.  However, I am strong willed and I roll with the punches that life throws my way.

What I might start doing in the next couple of nights is organizing my thoughts.

Further, I'm going to start organizing my sometimes chaotic ideas into one concrete idea.

Something I can profit off of and use to better my sometimes horrible situation.

During the talk that my roommate and I had, he helped sort of make me realize that I was looking at things ALL wrong.  I have two talents I can profit on RIGHT NOW that don't need a college education.  (Contrary to what some of you guys out there might think.)  My fields simply require a thirst for knowledge, and a desire to learn.  These two points, coupled with the basic resources provided by the interwebz, are more than enough to bolster the starving artist.

I realize of late that I've been looking at life all wrong.

I intend to change that.

With a few fundamental changes in my outlook and world view, I realized that I -CAN- make a difference to the lives of those folks who are around me that I care about.  Either directly or indirectly.   I just want my life to have some meaning.  I have squandered a lot of time trying to get to this point, and now the hour has come to roll up my sleeves and get some  hard work done.  There are plenty of resources available to me to allow me to achieve my dreams of being a successful artist, and they are available to every one of my readers as well.  But first, I gotta make some magic happen.

That's gonna be the key right there.

I'll need some help from you whoever reads my blog, of course, but that will come in due time.  At first, we're going to go through this journey together.   Then, we'll continue to walk together as we all discover the very meanings of our lives.  In my case though, I am a simple man looking for simple things out of life.  I want to be able to get off S.S.I. and I want to be able to produce my own fortune, and take care of my family better.  The case in point is that I want to PRODUCE.  I've been on S.S.I. for a long time now, and I feel it is time to make the integration back into the work force.  But on MY own terms, not anybody else.  This is all a step by step transformation that will not happen overnight, but at the very least I am taking steps in the right direction.

Nobody knows that I am taking these steps except, you guys out there, my roommate and God.  I want to sit back someday, years from now, and smile back as I think that THIS was the first night I took the steps forward to a better tomorrow.  If my miracle can happen to me, it can to you all out there as well.  The trick is NOT to miss it when it does occur.

Anyway gang, I've taken up enough of your time.  I hope that this small message cheers up anybody who needs a smile right now, uplifts a lost soul, or otherwise provides a positive message.  I think that if we all look out for each other more, the world, THE WORLD, will become a better place for us all.  Especially ourselves.  Too often we become our own worst enemies.  But I digress, this is my attempt at some sort of a message of productivity and constructive thoughts.  For those of you out there who are suffering this or that situation, remember, THERE IS a brighter tomorrow.  There IS a light at the end of the tunnel, and there IS a reason to keep on keepin' on.

With that, I want to wish everyone love and light.
Stay, classy, WORLD,
~Pavel Vargas

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