About Me

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

All over the web...It's the hap's...





Okay gang, I have been busy over the recent months since my  last blog.  On Althanas, I have recently hit the grand level of 10.  They have recently updated the site to version 3.0 which is quite an interesting endeavor.  I have my views on 3.0 but since I have been giving it a chance, -some- of my viewpoints have changed.  Extensively, my main complaints come from certain of the Realm of Greetings changes that have taken place.  Some for the good, others for the bad.  For the good, lowbies can now make considerably more powerful characters.  This is a crucial amendment to the original Realm of Greetings rules that called for a stricter control and regulation of lower-level characters.

Now you have an entire generation of Althanians coming on board with much more solidified characters that can just DO more interesting things.  I know that when some of my own lowbies hit level 1, I drastically redid some of them.  (For example, my character, Alberdyne Cormyr.)  Many of my other character(s) are getting ready to hit level 1.   I've been pondering an EBlogger update for sometime, but I didn't think I had much of interest to write about, then the thought hit me: why not start an Althanas blog? I know that Althanas podcasts exists, but so far I have not yet seen an Althanas-based blog.  Maybe some exist, but I have never actually seen one.  So this is MY contribution to the Althanas community.  3.0 changes have now been implemented for better or worse, and it's like I still don't know how I feel about them.

I personally LIKE the lowbie rules.  I think those can stay.  But micromanaging higher level character(s) (I.E. level 6-7+) has become an unspoken necessity.  Certain folk have created character(s) (In the high-level range) that have become abusive to the system.  I think that a regulation is necessary to even things out.  (At level 10 I was forced to take a serious nerf to my character) As long as it's done across the board.  That is my main concern with the new ROG rules.  The rubric changes are fine, it's just that they've NEVER been the problem.  The problem has always been some character(s) coming into R.O.G. and taking sometimes heavy nerfs to their profiles.

Anyway, I'm not a moderator so my opinion really does not matter too much.  However, I just feel the need to post it so that people will know what I've been thinking about all along.  Some of you know, I temporarily retired Lorenor.  I thought it was going to be a permanent retirement, but I was convinced (Thank you Tony and others!!!) to continue using my character.  So I brought Lorenor back.  At level 11, he will receive a MAJOR overhaul.  But that's just my major idea I have about my character.  You guys will see it soon enough.


Valucre-I have been getting things moving on here.  I have earned a GM (Game Master/Quest Master/Story Teller spot whatever you wanna call it) and I have been cracken on duties.  I have joined a guild called Dictum Veritas and I have been superbly active with them.  I have several crucial threads going on, including several cannon (Lore) affecting threads.  In my next blog, I will post links to my currently active threads and their progress.  Along with descriptions of the stories.  In my next blog, I will also be posting newer artwork fro the world to see!!!!

Ave Satani!!!!
~Pavel Creno Vargas

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